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Welcome to the My name is Chuck Tryon and I welcome you to this site. Since 1987, I've had the privilege to deliver project-centric training to hundreds of organizations and tens of thousands of some of the greatest professionals in locations around the world. I remain active guiding several initiatives that promise to help reduce the cost of healthcare while also improving patient outcomes.
ICKM 2017 - Very pleased to participate in the 2017 International Conference on Knowledge Management, Big Data in Big D, that runs October 25-27 in Ft. Worth ... and I brought friends with me. We created a lineup to discuss Big Data in Healthcare with Dr. Daniel Duffy talking about Data Visualization and Juell Homco presenting challenges and findings from her dissertation on data misclassification errors that are adding complexity to healthcare data. Utica Park Clinic's Director of Population Health Management, Verda Weston, presents how the Oklahoma health system is using the IBM Watson tool Phytel to evaluate process improvements at the practice and clinician level. I round out the series with a perspective on how knowledge is generated and transferred to support formal quality improvement and generate new organizational knowledge. To support this presentation, Utica Park Clinic approved displaying a subset of their efforts to capture and transfer vital organizational knowledge in a formal knowledge inventory. KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT SEMINARS - After four years of research, study and field testing, I created Managing Organizational Knowledge: 3rd Generation Knowledge Management ... and Beyond!. This workshop is based my book by the same title. In a 2006 presentation, I introduced the notion of using naturally occurring projects as the basis for managing vital organizational knowledge. Revolutionary thought at the time, the idea has developed a significant following. This new KM seminar; 1) explains why knowledge management is becoming one of the most significant issues organizations must face, 2) provides the foundational concepts and vocabulary required to address knowledge management intelligently and 3) identifies several major breakthroughs in KM thought including...
BOOKS: My latest book is titled PROJECT IDENTIFICATION: Capturing Great Ideas to Dramatically Improve Your Organization (CRC Press, a Division of Taylor and Francis). This book is based on two concepts that I've presented over the years in my workshops:
This follows on my ground-breaking Knowledge Management book, MANAGING ORGANIZATIONAL KNOWLEDGE: 3rd Generation Knowledge Management ... and Beyond! where I introduce the concept of building an inventory of knowledge assets. While the books are available at Amazon.com, they may also be purchased or downloaded from CRC Press Online. BMX RACING: Now if you really want to know that drives me right now, it is my three grandkids. Landon is a serious BMX racer. Most weekends, you will find us traveling a five state area looking for a great place to race. It is the best exercise I've found for young kids and provides an opportunity for wonderful friendships. You can follow his career on Facebook and YouTube. This website is available for open viewing. The templates located in the News and Information area are some of the most popular and commonly accessed elements of this site. All have been extensively field tested and proven useful. They are also available FREE! I have organized the content of this site into the following topic areas: Training With Integrity! Copyright Information | Contact Tryon and Associates | Site Map |